Trixie Sidelinger: Long Road Traveled to Lewiston-Auburn CA$H
Written by New Ventures Maine | Published on April 9, 2019
New Model of Assistance at Lewiston-Auburn CA$H
Lewiston-Auburn CA$H has been operating since 2004. Our unwavering focus is helping people and the responses we receive from folks at the tax site make it all worthwhile. L/A CA$H volunteers are committed beyond measure and residents appreciate the personalized service.
Our new model, which we started in 2018, provides one-on-one financial check-ups for every person entering our tax site. The financial self-sustainability conversations we have had are amazing! Excitement about homeownership; fixing one’s credit; and savings have been so meaningful on both sides of the table. We know we are truly helping people by providing key financial information and connection to resources. Empowerment in action right before our eyes!
From hardships to getting assistance
Trixie Sidelinger first came to L/A CA$H during the 2018 tax season for free tax preparation. She and her young son traveled cross country and began life anew. L/A CA$H and the help she received at our site was a lifeline for her. We do tax prep; we provide financial insight; and we care about people and their dreams for the future. The extensive work needed for Trixie’s tax preparation is not the “norm” at our site, but we are very glad we took the time for this one.
“When we relocated across country from Montana to Maine, we encountered amazing hardships and challenges. From our vehicle blowing its engine in South Dakota, to leaving everything behind but 2 suitcases, to the sheer insanity of putting 4 cats, 2 dogs, a fish, and 2 humans into a 2 door car for a 3,000 mile drive. It was the stuff of movies.”
“When it came time to file our taxes, we encountered a lot of refusals from the free tax help clinics as ours was the curious case of 2 different state taxes, poverty income levels, AND moving expenses. Little did we know that the awesome people at L/A CA$H were about to become the latest angels in a long string of miracle events for my young son and I. Not only were they willing to take on the 3 hour endeavor of digging through tax codes and IRS moving allowances, they were also so generous and gracious in their attitudes about assisting us.”
Thank you to the volunteers at L/A CA$H
“I am so incredibly blessed to now know these people and cannot ever say thank you enough to them. They were able to help us put one foot forward and keep our heads above water long enough to sink new roots and build a new life. I would whole-heartedly send anyone their way to get help with tax preparation, and plan on scheduling again this year to have them assist me with my Maine taxes. We’ve got a whole another 365 days to catch up on! Thank you Ms. Dottie and everyone else at L/A Cash! Cheers, Trixie & Kael”