Helping Others by Preparing Taxes
Written by New Ventures Maine | Published on January 19, 2018
Western Maine CA$H is excited to honor one of our IRS-certified tax preparers! Kelli Lasko first heard about the Western Maine CA$H through a presentation done by the United Way of the Tri-Valley Area at her job at Franklin Savings Bank. She was looking for a volunteer opportunity and has always liked doing taxes (“crazy I know”). She felt this was a perfect opportunity for her. We are so excited to have Kelli now entering her 3rd tax season with the CA$H coalition.
Volunteer Tax Preparation
“Winter is my summer. I am looking forward to the cold temperatures so I can get out to do some ice fishing, snowmobiling and snowman building. Snow, cold temperatures and winter also means tax season.” Kelli quotes, “Someday, everything will make perfect sense. So for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears, be strong and keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason.” ― John Mayer
Kelli shares that being a volunteer tax preparer can be a little crazy this time of year; training and keeping up with the holiday season. Not long after the first returns are completed she is reminded why she comes back each year…the very appreciative filers. She shares, “I love feeling like I helped someone save money because the CA$H Maine’s services are 100% free”. Kelli is very excited to help Western Maine CA$H kick off Virtual VITA this year, and expanding into Oxford County. She will be a key participant in this expansion.
Other Volunteering
Kelli is an avid volunteer in Franklin and Northern Androscoggin Counties. She also serves as a Seniors Plus Money Minder’s volunteer, AYS girls basketball coach, a member for the Franklin Savings Bank Relay for Life team as the treasurer for the last 2 years, and helped coordinate a team for the annual Paddle for the Pine Tree Camp. She’s not limited to that, though, and is actively involved in the other various activities that Franklin Savings Bank is a part of throughout the community.