CA$H Maine

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Making Her Money Work Toward a New Car

Written by New Ventures Maine | Published on February 4, 2016
Two women standing.


Lee, who lives on a fixed income, was looking for better ways to manage her money when she signed up for a My Money Works class with New Ventures Maine.

“Taking this class gave me both the skills and confidence that I needed to take control of my finances.”

A motivated learner, she quickly became more careful about where her money went; she set up a budget, scheduled automatic bill payments, and made sure to set aside money for savings each month. Thanks to the class, she became motivated to clean up her credit issues. She maintains a credit card just for gasoline purchases, which she pays off each month. Lee’s credit score is now in the “excellent” range, which enabled her to obtain fair financing for purchasing a new car

The class that Lee took helped her change the way she thought about money and helped her set and reach her financial goals.  New Ventures Maine offers year round classes in money management, business start up and career building. For more information about classes at near you, visit New Ventures Maine.